Embroidered Necklines, Part 2
Having received a few requests on how I did the neckline, I put together this short guide:
I started by taking off the small band around the neck, being careful not to stretch the knit (it was not a V-neck but a round one and quite close to the throat and I did not like that). I cut the stitches so I wouldn’t loose too much of the fabric.
Then I ironed with lots and lots of starch. And now came the tricky part: the templates. I guess I printed at least 20 of them until I was satisfied with the neckline.
From there on it was easy.
I hooped a wash-away and then stitched a placement line (I used the first line that is in the applique design straight on the hooped stabilizer). That way I know exactly where the design is going to be stitched. Then I pinned the T-shirt in place. I repeated the first line again, then stitched the second line and then cut what needs to be cut away. Finally, I replaced the hoop and finished the embroidery.
That’s all. It’s almost the same as applique, just with a little twist. 🙂
I had this idea for quite some time but never got around to do it. But when I got the Applique Hibiscus designs (by Allsorts of Embroidery) I knew it would look good.
I did the whole thing in three hoopings, but I had to babysit the machine for the whole process, holding the T-shirt so it would be stitched in the right place, and not suddenly start to make a big mess. LOL
I hope this makes sense to you. If you have any further questions, just ask.